2 Corinthians 10:5 says “…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Transforming something in your life whether it’s your attitude, mindset, financial situation or bringing change into a relationship can seem like an overwhelming task. But as the old saying goes, “One bite at a time eats the elephant.” Likewise, the way you change your life is one thought at a time. Your thoughts set the direction of your life. So if you need to change the direction you are headed, you simply need to change your thoughts in that area. If its healing you need, find scriptures on healing and meditate until healing is yours’s. Do the same for finances, relationships, jobs and whichever area you need blessings. Don’t sit around and have a pity party, reject negative thoughts and replace them with God’s Word; and make every single thought obedient to Jesus Christ by declaring what the word of God says.